Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Runnaways movie

Not gonna lie kind strange seeing Dakot Fanning in langerei.

The film "The Runnaways" is a biopic of the 1970's metal/punk all girl band called The Runnaways. Dakotta Faning plays the band frontwoman Cheri Currie. The young teenager who gets into the rock and roll lifestyle. Joan Jett in the film is played by Kristin Stewart
I have herd a review from which I follow regularly, and they said that it is a boring and unoriginal bio pic. I can agree on unorginal becuase it is the rise and fall of a Musician, which you see all the time. As for the film being boring I couldnt say that at all. I was never bored time flew by quick as I wacthed it. I cant find alot of things to say good about it but I didnt hate it for find it dull I couldnt stop watching.

Fanning did a good job as Cheri Currie, Stewart i cant really say the same. She had the more interesting character in joan jett but her acting made you not care about her you just wanted her shut up and play guitar.

That is one problem I will say I have with this movie. In the beggining you see young Joan Jett learning the guitar, dreaming to be a rock star. Now she is below par at the guitar and it seems like in a day she is on top of the world. Same goes for the other musicians they were unimpressive at their respective instruments and still managed to become stars. Wish it was that easy.

A member on also mentioned that the character of Joan Jett is unexplained they dont tell you about their past,where they grew up NOTHING, and he was absoluley right but for some reason I liked that they went right into it. Its strange because if it was a band I like i would critisize them for that but I hardley knew anything about the runaways before this, the film moved very well without any signs of slowing down with boring bits.

Again I cant find many bad things about the film but I cant find many good ones either. So I suppose that makes it average but I will bump it up and say better then average.

This is the idea of the PERFECT rental movie

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