Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just For Laughs 2010

I got the opportunity to work the Just For Laughs Festival In Toronto On July 9th and 10th.

On the 9th It was held at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre In Toronto. To my suprise the acts were all chinese. I thought I would be able to enjoy some stand up comedy but I was wrong :(

On the 10th it was What i Wanted. Some Stand up Comedy. Oddley enough one of my favorite comedians Gabriel Iglesias was there I Told him i was a huge fan and he was a really cool guy.

There were other funny comedians I have never herd of that I will look more into.

-Wil Silvynce
-Brett Ernst

Were really funny

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Portugal is Out :(

Portugals dreams in the world cup 2010 Are over :(, i am upset but I prepared myself to loose already because of the poor performance and that spain are a really good squad.

I also dont feel as emotionally connected to this team like I used to because some of my favourite players no longer play for them. Cristiano Ronaldo to me was a terrible captain.
His attitude towards the game is rediculous. He got fouled in the game but the ref didnt call it he was so upset he sat on the ground for a good minute while the game was going on. Jesus get up and play the game stop being a baby.

Hopefully Euro 2012 will be better !
Cheers Everyone.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Having a good few days at work, starting early ending at the beggning of the night,

Tuesday when my work week started I was in the airpot at 8:oo am, which is ok fine. We ended up sitting around in our cars waiting for security to check our gear. We didnt lift a finger until around 3:00 pm so the day went by pretty slow. Didnt end up getting out of work until 9:00 and I hasd to rush home and grab my gear for my hockey game that I had at 10:30 that night.

I ended up making it in time for the game. We played a good game to start. Good passing unfortunatley every time we scored a goal they other team answered back. Our goalie played a great game, he just flustered with shots. The game got a little bit dirty which made us loose out control.

Game Finished 6-3 : we loose :(

For those of you who know ( i know most dont) I play soccer games on wendsdays, so back to back sports. Get into work at 8 again and work until 7. The day was so boring waiting for planes to come in so I spent the whole day on my computer just watching videos, soccer readin articles on the internet etc.

Made it in time for my soccer game, good thing I did to because I got my first shutout of the season we spanked that team 6-0. Great Job guys so not we are sitting pretty on the top of the league.

Right now as I am writing this I am at work where I was in at 7 and again Im just on my computer doing NOTHING plus im gonna be getting lots of overtime which means lots of money.
Still 3 more days to go till this G20 thing is all over wish me luck

Cheers Guys

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Long time no blog.

Hi guys, long time no blog.

Been pretty boring week for me which leaves me with no excuse for no blogs but I am enjoying the rest before I have a solid few work days ahead of me.

I have been watching the world cup (big surprise) My game is on today at 7. Portugal Vs North Korea. We need to kick ass, Brazil beat Ivory coast today by 2 goals which helps us alot.
There have been some suprises with the world cup. Spain,Germany have lost to a team they should have easily handled. Italy alsmot lost today to New Zealand of all places, Jesus the so called World Champions couldnt handle preassure from a bogus team like that.

I recently wasted $10 on Full Tilt Poker so I can try and win some money, I have gone unsucessfull in the past hopefully its time for the turnaround. Just recently played a free Razz tournament I placed 10th out of 121 to give me 800 playing chips. I pays 500 play chips to get in. I was hoping to get the 16,000 main prize which can give ma enough chips to enter in bigger tournaments on order to get real money.

I am working the G8/G20 summit that is coming to Toronto this week for Television, that would be shown around the world. Its gonna be a long couple of days I exspect over 15 hours, but that means lots of money which means I can buy new toys. lol. Not really since I went on a recent spending spree and need to replenish and slow down for a bit.
Which Luck this week you guys.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Nicholas Cage Wants Cake

Not much of a blog today just this video
Pretty Damn Funny

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 5 fifa World Cup

Slovakia Vs New Zealand: 1-1

Honestly this game was probably one of my favourites in the tournament so far. Some nice talent on the Slovakian side. Coming from young 22 year old captain Marek Hamsik and Vladomir Weiss. They moved the ball around niceley and had some nice scoring chances. Robert Vittek scored the games first goal for Slovakia midway through the Second Half

Winston Ried from New Zealand Scored the tieing goal with seconds and I mean SECONDS left on the clock.

Close call for New Zealand
Portugal Vs Ivory Coast: 0-0

This game nearly gave me a heart attack, good thing I don't have high blood pressure. The Ivory Coast played a Really good game keeping Portugal at bay and they also had scoring chances of there own.

Early in the game Crisitiano Ronaldo took a shot that strung off the post. The effort clocked at 106 M/hr. My heart dropped when it hit the post.

Gervinho on the Ivory COast was a serious threat to the Portuguese deffence, an unexspected threat it was but fortunately no goal were conceded .
Brazil VS North Korea: 2-1

North Korea played a very solid game against the number 1 rank Brazilian team but time ran out for them, Brazil scored two goals in the second half.

Good try Guys.

Some nerve rattling games today , hope to see more.

Sammy Farha Wins His 3rd Bracelet

I am an avid Poker Player/Watcher and have been a fan of
Sammy Farha for a while now. If i had to pick players to play with at a poker game. I would definatley consider Farha.

This week during the 2010 World Series of Poker. Sam Farha won the $10,000 World Championship Omaha hi/low 8 or better Event. I was following him on this for about a day and he was at the bottom of the chip count during the final table and it seems like Farha came back into it without Breaking a sweat.

Sam's constant table talk makes playing with him hard but the way he does it also makes it fun for the table and makes it hard to get mad at him when he beats you. Im sure he took full adavantage of this during this event. Hope he does well in the future.

Here were the Standings

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 4 Fifa World Cup


Holland are known for there firepower and scoring strength. Right at kick off Holland put the preassure on Denmark forcing them to kick the ball back.

Denmark ajusted to the flow of the game and had some good chances on the Dutch goalkeeper but Stekelenburg played great.

Denmarks defender Poulson headed a corner kick ball into his own net causing the first and most important goal of the game. Later Eljero Elia made a great play and kicked the balled off the post and Dirk Kuyt put it the game away

Cameroon's Samuel Eto'o was exspected to light it up but Japan was able to keep him underwraps. Honda for japan scored the only goal of the match

Italy Vs Paraguay : 1-1
Who really wants to see Italy win again lol.
In my opinion Paraguay started some of the wrong players. They do have some strong strikers but unfortunatley two of the best were on the bench.

Paraguay put a number on the board first with a goal from Antolin Alcaraz who scored off a header beating Buffon, who for some injury reason needed to be replaced for a new goalkeeper.

Daniel de Rossi tied the game off a corner kick that landed perfectly on his foot and into the back of the net.

Paraguay finally put world class striker Oscar Cardoz0 on the pitch to try and get the winning goal. Unfortunatly it was too little to late.

Italy put on more preassure at the last stages of the game but time finished with the game tied at 1-1. The defending champions put together a unimpressive performance

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hot Tub Time Machine

"The Hangover" is "Hot Tub Tim Machine"

If you likes that movie then you will probably like this one. This is gonna be a fast and simple review because I am tired. Sorry People.

Indeed I did found this movie funny but the same thing happened to me with the Hangover. The overhyping hurt my liking of the movie. People told me this movie was SOOO Funny and it took me a while to watch it and yes I enjoyed it but didnt follow the hype.

There is a joke that I laughed out loud Hard!!.

The black character in the film (Craig Robinson) is about to get his dick sucked by his friend becuase of a bet they lossed, and his friends jokes about his dick being so big and black he said. "Holy shit, it looks like Gary Coleman's For arm"

Did not see that coming so I laughed pretty histarically. There are plenty other good jokess in the film so go see it, its pretty cool.

Cheers Everyone

Day 3 World Cup

Ok Everyone im not gonna lie to you guys. I missed all the games today. I planned on watching both morning games but fell asleep for both of them and The afternoon game I had a hockey game so I was forced to miss that game.

I will fill you in on what happened however.

Solvenjia VS Algeria: 1-0

79" R.Koran

Ghana VS Serbia : 1-0

84" A.Gyan

Germany Vs Austrailia : 4-0

Now I saw the goals for this game. One in paticular was so pretty. Miroslave Klose scored a beautifull goal from a unbelievable ball from Phillip Lahm. Germany are looking strong in there first game.

Tommarow have some good matches

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Runnaways movie

Not gonna lie kind strange seeing Dakot Fanning in langerei.

The film "The Runnaways" is a biopic of the 1970's metal/punk all girl band called The Runnaways. Dakotta Faning plays the band frontwoman Cheri Currie. The young teenager who gets into the rock and roll lifestyle. Joan Jett in the film is played by Kristin Stewart
I have herd a review from which I follow regularly, and they said that it is a boring and unoriginal bio pic. I can agree on unorginal becuase it is the rise and fall of a Musician, which you see all the time. As for the film being boring I couldnt say that at all. I was never bored time flew by quick as I wacthed it. I cant find alot of things to say good about it but I didnt hate it for find it dull I couldnt stop watching.

Fanning did a good job as Cheri Currie, Stewart i cant really say the same. She had the more interesting character in joan jett but her acting made you not care about her you just wanted her shut up and play guitar.

That is one problem I will say I have with this movie. In the beggining you see young Joan Jett learning the guitar, dreaming to be a rock star. Now she is below par at the guitar and it seems like in a day she is on top of the world. Same goes for the other musicians they were unimpressive at their respective instruments and still managed to become stars. Wish it was that easy.

A member on also mentioned that the character of Joan Jett is unexplained they dont tell you about their past,where they grew up NOTHING, and he was absoluley right but for some reason I liked that they went right into it. Its strange because if it was a band I like i would critisize them for that but I hardley knew anything about the runaways before this, the film moved very well without any signs of slowing down with boring bits.

Again I cant find many bad things about the film but I cant find many good ones either. So I suppose that makes it average but I will bump it up and say better then average.

This is the idea of the PERFECT rental movie

Day 2 Fifa World Cup (17)

Yayy more then 2 games on today!


As a portuguese supporter of course I want to see Greece suffer. However I still had a feeling South Africa would beat Greece in this game, and BEAT them they did.

Greece started the game off strong then Korea scored a set piece goal mid-way through the half.
Macnhester United's Park Ji Sung put the game away with the second goal in the second.

Argentina has one of the most telented teams in the tournament, when you have players like Diego Milito and Sergio Auguero on the bench you know your team is staked. So you would figure that a match against Nigeria would be a cake walk, in some ways it was and in some others it wasnt. Lionel Messi had SO MANY chances to score today but the Nigerian goalkeeper was unbeatable against him. They managed to pull off the victory anyway but even though the match was one sided I expsected more from the powerhouse squad.

England came out strong and fast scoring in the first few minutes of the match. Started with a beautiful pass from Heskey and was finished with a lovely touch by stephen Gerrard. The game continued to be exciting with lots of chances from england but American goalkeeper tim Howard kept the American's in it.

Late in the 1st half the US scored a goal that was a shocker. You gotta see it to understand.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 1 Fifa World Cup (16)

Mixed emotions on day 1 of the Fifa world cup.

Couldnt sleep all night becuase of my excitement for the first 2 games of the tournament.

Mexico south Africa was the first game of the tournament and the home team started off looking as if they were going to be pushed over in time with players such as Blanco and Giovanni dos Santos ripping their defence appart. Goalkeeping kept south africa alive and their offence bounced back to score the opening goal. And WHAT A GOAL it was, picking off the top right hand corner great opening goal of the tournament.

Mexico came back and tied it not so long later and made it a 1-1 Tie Game.
Must Say I was really impressed by Mexico's style of play.


This game was Boring not becuase it ended 0-0, just overall. France outplayed Uruguay throughout the whole game and France played like shit too. So thats saying something. I exspected fire from Diego FORLAN and Luis suarez. The only upside was good defending from diego Lugano and Egidio Arévalo Ríos

DAY 2 Will Be Updated tommarrow

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The World Cup Starts Tommorow (15)

Everyone the mother of all tournaments starts tommorow! the Fifa World Cup.
I am taking this opertunity to wish every nation luck in the tournament.

Look forward to watching as many games as I possibly can. This is a very short blog but it is straight to the point.

First Game Tommarrow is at 10:30 EASTERN Time South Africa VS Mexico
The Second Game at 2:30 EASTERN Uruguay Vs France


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stanley Cup Champs/Soccer Game (14)

Congrats to Chicago for winning the stanley cup and for now letting Toronto have the longest Drought without a stanley cup win. Fuck lol.

I would have liked to have seen
Philadelphia win it because of one of my favourite players (Daniel Briere) would most likley have won the con smythe Award for best player in the playoffs. The second reason being, Marian Hossa would have lost 3 years in a row with 3 diferent teams. Oh Well congrats Marian.
Also an update on my soccer game today we spanked our opponent 7-2 which now makes our team 2-0-0 probably now the first pl
ace team. The standings will probably be up later so I can check then.

Cheers everyone

Second Soccer game plus yesterdays Hockey game.

Yesterday my team had our first Hockey game of the year. I wasnt exspecting much going into this game cuz some of us have never played together and some have neber met each other.

We lost our first game 3-0 but it wasnt bad. We played really well and will get better in time. We had lots of chances but couldnt find the back of the net. We out chanced them an
d put on more preassure then they did to us. Our next game in on sunday and it should be a good one.

Tonight our team has our second indoor
soccer game. We won our first game last week 3-2. I am not sure on the team we face tonight, im not feeling 100%, feeling a little sick and sore from yesterday's hockey game. Im gonna eat some food and rest up and hopefully I should be good to go.

Wish me luck.
Cheers Everyone


This Year In my pool I have had a family of ducks living there. At first it was really cute, there was the dad (green necked duck), mom and 4 little ducklings . I took a load of pictures becuase they were so cute.

After a few days our pool was starting to look and smell like a lake. So we decided to try and get the ducks out of my pool. They had been there for 5 days and they wouldnt leave, we had to do something!

So I grab our net and Pole and I have my dog on the other of the pool so that she can scare them away. I poked one of them with the pole and one of the ducklings got scared and jumped out of the pool, and my dog went after it and killed it :(


Monday, June 7, 2010

WWDC2010 What is to come (11)

The word is that Apple will unvail the new Iphone today and alot of other things but this will obviously be the Last but not least part of the Event.

I am not exactley up to date on the other items or updates on WWDC this year
You can click here for the latest.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Lots of Injuries Today(10)

Rio Ferdinand,Andrea Prilo and Dieder Drogba All suffered massive injuries todat which will knock them out of World Cup contention. However there is word that Drogba Might me be able to make it back in time. As a supporter of Portugal I am obviously happy becuase of how hard there group is. Drogba being injured will definatley make our lives easier.

I have joined's website a world cup fantasy pool.

Here is my Team


Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3rd. Random Shit (9)


Went to work at 7am after having a soccer game. Didnt Get home till midnight, so my sleep was kinda deprived. Wasnt all bad lol.

During work I played some online poker won me $1.00. lol Would have been more if one the guys I was playing against was so fuckin lucky

My Mom is getting a new Car. She is getting a Dodge Calliber. I like the car alot I really do but she want to get it in this colour ugh.

Remindes me of the inside of my kleenex when i blow my nose.

The last peice of randomness I will share with you today is that Italy lost to mexico today in a friendly soccer match. Which Made me happy :P

Giovanni Dosantos really impressed me I hope manchester united gets him

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Soccer Game Went Well

Me and some friends of mine have joined in an indoor soccer league.
We had our first game today and it went well. We faced last years champs and we wont the game 3-2. We started up 1-0 in the first half, Im our teams Goalkeeper and I was feeling good with some key saves. My teams defense deserves lots of credit by scooping up the garbage out of my box area.

Into the second half we let in a goal. I made the initial save and the ball went up in the air, as I went to grab it I was tripped by one of my players witch hindered me the ability to grab the ball. 1-1

We scored shortly after an odd man rush. Unfortunatley the other team scored shortley after as well. The ball was shot outside the box, I made the initial save and they scored on the rebound.

With my hand hanging low I needed to get my head back in the game. With 2 minutes to go in the game we scored a goal off a break away.

Now the game was all about keeping the ball on their side to waste the time.

Great game for our guys with our fist win of the year


Cheers guys

June 2nd Update on Random Shit

Hi everyone, Today I have quite a few things on my mind.

First thing ,Italian National Team captain has left Jeventus to go play for Ali-Alahi
based in dubai. You can read the full article hear.

Also a little update on "Hells Kitchen's" first episode on last night. I was suprised that it was only an hour long unlike last season where the first episode was 2 hours. Havent found anyone I like yet but that it exspected.

I also Have my first soccer game of the season today and I will probably update that later on.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Saw the Ipad today

Ok Im not gonna lie to you, When I first saw the Ipad i thought "ok......its just a giant Ipod touch"
Not to mention of price of these things are redonculous.

I went to my local Best Buy today and I saw them in the apple section of the store and I said "ok let me have a look at it.

When I first turned it on I was amazed by the display, so beautiful I mean playing games sure watching videos would be perfect for this thing.

I read on a website that their is no real need for the Ipad. Well I found one I saw a video where I guy puts one in the car.

Check it Out

Starting Season 2 of 24

Ok , I have now found a recent love for television, I am a big movie guy but for some reason I have a huge attraction right now to television programs.

I have Finished "The Wire" which is a show that ended in 2008. I really recomend this show to anyone who like cop/criminal justice or some good old fashioned good guy vs bad guy show.

I also finished "Lost" which had their Series Finale a few Days Ago. I also loved that show to death .

Now In the mean time I dont know what to watch. I am waiting for the next season of "Dexter" to start but that wont be for a while so in the mean time my buddy said to watch "24".

To be completley honest I have not been captivated by the show as much as I have with Lost,the wire and lost.

I am now on the second season of the show but dont get me wrong I enjoy watching it but I just have some problems with it.

I will continue the series until it comes to the point where it is unwatchable, hopefully that wont happen and there is a payoff.

Today is the day when each national team must pick their final 23 man squad for the 2010 Fifa World Cup.
Very Exciting!!!!

Im am looking forward to what the higher rated teamd do because they are the ones who have the most Depth in their groups for example.
Argentina,spain,portugal,Holland,Germany , Etc.

The world Cup starts in only a couple of days and my legs are shaking Im so excited.

Let me Know what you guys thing

Hells Kitchen Season 7 STARTS TONIGHT

Hi everyone, I cannot seem to sleep so I am watching the sneak peek to the upcoming season of Hell's Kitchen that starts Tonight!. VERY EXCITING. I have been watching the show for two years now and I cant wait for it to start again.

I dont know exactley what time it is on Im assuming around 8 Eastern. Hope you guys check it out should be a great time

Monday, May 31, 2010

Facebook "Like" Feature

Facebook has this cool thing now where if I put lets say "The Simpson" in the search bar you can click on it and hit "like" and it immediatly put the simpsons on your favorite television shows on your profile without having to go into the edit section of your profile. Which is cool!

However when some random joke comes up that I "liked.

Facebook also puts that very phrase in your facebook info depending on what it is. Right now this is in the music section of my facebook profile. And I dont know if or how I can remove it.
So just beware if you click on the like button on certain things that protain to books,movies,television, and music I know for sports and politics are ok but just becarefull. lol

Cheers everyone

R.I.P Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper's Prime maybe a little bit before my time, however there are a couple of things that I remember him from.

Most memorable for me is when he played the villain in one of my favourite movies "speed" He carried that movie with his wild antics and flapping mouth. Probably one of my most favourite charasmatic villains.

I also remember him briefly from "true Romance" where he plays christian slayter's Cop Father.

There were some bad performances from Hopper aswell. Funny How I remember him more as a bad actor then a good one but im sure he had the goods but needed a paycheck every now and then.

He played King Koopa in "Super Mario Brother" which is one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life, honestly its totally unwatchable I am embarassed to watch it. Recentley I watched him play Victor Drazen in the hit show "24" he plays an eastern European terrorist with the worst accent in recent acting history in my opinion. Who ever made that decision made a really bad one.

However hopper will be missed on screen. I know he was good friends of hollywoods best like Jack Nicolson and Sean Penn. Dennis I will be waiting for you to revive from the dead for your return to kick Keanu Reeve's Ass in a new speed Movie